Products & Services

Change Parts For Vial Filling And Sealing Machines
Change parts in Non ferrous materials like Delrin, Nylon, Teflon, POM, PVDC, PVC, etc.
• Expertise in manufacturing process for the non conventional materials with high coefficient of viscosity.
• Capacity to redesign, modify and manufacture most complicated designs in 3D as well as 4th axis machining centers.
• Quality assurance for meeting the benchmark standards according to the companies known worldwide.
• Economical, reliable and durable products are made available for the Indian industry with fast service backup

Rotary Vial And P.F.S Line Change Parts
Quality and reliable change parts for any make like MAR or Macofar compact lines.
• In-house designing and development system in advanced software.
• One stop solution for all imported make lines.
• Supporting service continuously for any kind of problems.
Almost all supporting documentation like material test and FAT for QC check

Sheet Metal Processing Industry Sector
In the year 2011, the company was diversified into one more area. The company collaborated with one of the leading German company in the world Böhler Welding for welding consumables sales in one of the largest growing industrial western region in India. In fiscal year 2013/14 through excellent distributor network has achieved sales of another 0.3 MIO EURO
• Welding Solutions has grown up with immense efforts in providing timely services to the sheet metal industry concentrating mainly on reduction on machine down time and maintenance of the critical consumables for longer life expectancy.
• The Group company has already started initiating solutions and services in the industry for leading Precision CO2 laser optics and Infrared Laser Optics products and Nozzles.